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Not looking for pen Southern swingers talk pals or fakes!

I like a woman with a bit of mileage who still looks great in fitted blue jeans! Someone that enjoys having fun with sex and enjoys their body.

Chubby, thicc and bbw Southern swingers talk girls.

My friends find me funny and I love to laugh. Can have a conversation. Petite, open minded and looking for fun Southern swingers talk and laughter!

Full swap couple with no Southern swingers talk drama attached.

Mostly submissive, but have it in me to challenge every once in awhile. This is not meant to be rude but again we joined to actually meet people and play. I am a creative and romantic lover who excels in and out of the bedroom. If we meet, I'll share my name.

Open Southern swingers talk to all conversations.

Looking for fun this summer with interesting people. Obviously some one that enjoys sex, loves to receive oral, i love to give.

Humor definitely gets Southern swingers talk my attention.

I am up for kayaks, canoes, boating in the summer and skiing in the winter (more of a summer guy than a winter per) At the same time, I also hope to find a partner who can go through the challenges and changes in life together and create a bright future together. They do not have to be beautiful or anything like that, just like to treat a woman like a lady when we meet. Let's not focus on ideals and enjoy the moment. Open minded & free spirited weirdos marching to the beat of thier own drums. I am a working, self Southern swingers talk efficient male. Just looking for sexual fun.

I enjoy cooking and Southern swingers talk baking.

Vaccinated, a non smoker and I do not do drama. Intellilaser pro student finder.

God has put me through many obstacles at such a young age, that only makes me the person I am with Southern swingers talk and really enjoy the experience. 52 yr old male looking for some nsa fun, local to central Florida.

Lets see where Southern swingers talk this goes.

I have some fun too. **INSTANT MESSAGE me if you want to chat sometime. Looking for a woman in a similar situation as me. I'm not into men at all.

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A lady who likes to have fun.
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